Loving Reading

Loving Reading

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Today Room 1 and the year 8's did Tuakana Teina together. They watched all the myths that Room 1 had learnt about this term. Each buddy had to decide which one they liked the most and make a project on google draw or google slides to show the story! 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Room 1 have been learning about the Maori Gods. Today they wrote about Tane. 

'Tane is the god of the forest.' 

Some of Room 1 could write the sentence by themselves by finding words on the board. Some of them could match words and put the sentence in the correct order by themselves. This was all done on our iPads.

We Play Rugby

We are the Pukekos reading group. We are learning to read the word can. We read the book 'We play Rugby' and wrote in the missing can words. We can now read and write the word can. 

Our next goal is to write the letter a correctly.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

How the Tiger got his Stripes

Did you know that long ago the Tiger had no stripes.... here is how he got them!